American style pancakes

4 likes 1 comment Recipe by Jen

175g plain flour
1tsp baking powder
25g caster sugar
2 large eggs, separated
250ml milk
oil for frying

Prep. Time → 10 min

Cook Time → 2 min

1. Put the flour, baking powder and sugar into a large bowl

2. Add the egg yolks and milk, stir to combine into a batter

3. Whisk the egg whites into soft peaks, and then fold them into the batter mixture

4. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and add a ladleful of the batter

5. Cook the pancake for a minute or two until golden and then flip with a spatula to cook the other side for a minute.

6. As each pancake is cooked remove it from the pan and wrap in tinfoil to keep warm.

7. Once they're all cooked serve them with some crisp bacon and maple syrup.

main courses November 14, 2011 11:27

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Charlotte 13 years ago

amazing i love them with golden syrup maple syrup lemon and sugar Nutella (chocolate spread)
yum, yum

51 years old
United Kingdom