Beef casserole sw

2 likes 1 comment Recipe by Lou Turner

1lb/454g steak, all visible fat removed
2 garlic cloves
2 onions, 2 turnips, 3 carrots and 2 courgettes
Fry Light
A sprig of rosemary
1 tbsp beef stock made with Bovril
2 x 400g cans chopped tomatoes
2-3 tbsp artificial sweetener
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
4 tbsp freshly chopped parsley

Prep. Time → 15 min

Cook Time → 60 min

1. Prepare the ingredients: cut the steak into bite-sized pieces; peel and crush the garlic; peel and chop the onions; turnips and carrots; slice the courgettes.

2. Heat a large pan sprayed with Fry Light. Add the steak and fry for 5-6 minutes until lightly browned. Add the garlic, onions, turnips, carrots, rosemary, stock, chopped tomatoes and artificial sweetener and stir well. Bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 40-45 minutes, stirring occasionally.

3. Add the courgettes and cook for a further 8-10 minutes or until just tender. Season well and serve garnished with freshly chopped parsley.

4. Tip: Ring the changes by using extra lean beef or pork mince instead of steak in this recipe.

5. When cooked this dish can be frozen for up to 1 month.

main courses November 09, 2011 23:35

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Lou Turner 13 years ago

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Lou Turner
“Mummy and wife who likes to bake!”
40 years old
Poole Dorset, United Kingdom