Bolo de macaxeira (yucca cake)
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5 xicaras de macaxeira crua sem a casca e ralada (5 cups of unpeeled raw yucca shredded)
1+1/2 xicaras de acucar (1+/1 cups of sugar)
1/2 colher de cha de sal (1/2 teaspoon of salt)
1+1/4 xicara de leite de coco (1+1/4 cup of coconut milk)
4 gemas de ovos (4 egg yolks)
Prep. Time → 15 min
Cook Time → 45 min
1. Pre-aqueca o forno a 180C (preheat oven at 350F)
2. Unte uma forma media furada para bolo com manteiga e farinha de trigo (grease a medium sized cake baking pan with butter and flour)
3. Retire a casca da macaxeira (peel the raw yucca)
4. Rale a macaxeira (shred the yucca)
5. Misture a macaxeira ralada com os demais ingredientes (mix the shredded yucca with the other ingredients)
6. Leve ao forno por 45m hora mais ou menos (bake the cake for approximately 45m)

desserts, cake yucca brazil September 21, 2014 17:52
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