Brownie cheesecake
Recipe by
8oz cream cheese (1 pacote the cream cheese)
3 eggs (3 ovos)
1 1/3 cup of sugar (1 1/3 xic. de acucar)
1 tsp of vanilla extract (1 colher de cha de extrato de baunilha)
3/4 tsp of salt (3/4 colher de cha de sal)
2 tsp + 3/4 cup of cocoa powder (2 colheres de char + 3/4 xic. de chocolate em po meio amargo)
10 Tsp of unsalted butter (10 colheres de manteiga sem sal)
1 tsp expresso coffee (1 colher de cha de cafe)
3/4 cup of flour (3/4 xic. de farinha de trigo)
Prep. Time → 25 min
Cook Time → 25 min

1. Melt the cream cheese in water bath (derreta o cream cheese em banho maria)
2. In a bowl, mix the cream cheese, 1 egg, 1/3 cup of sugar, 1/2 tsp salt, vanilla (em uma tigela funda, misture o cream cheese derretido, 1 ovo, 1/3 xic. acucar, e a baunilha
3. Melt the butter and 1/2 cup of cocoa powder in water bath (derreta a manteiga e 1/2 xic. do chocolate em po)
4. Divide the cream cheese mixture in 1/2; add 2 tsp. of the cocoa powder in one of them (divida a mistura do cream cheese em duas partes; em uma delas misture 2 colheres de cha do chocolate em po
5. Add coffee, 2 eggs, 1 cup of sugar, and 3/4 cup of flour to the chocolate/butter mixture (adicione o cafe em po, 2 ovos, 1 xic. de acucar e 3/4 xic. de farinha de trigo a mistura de chocolate e manteiga)
6. Build the brownie/cream cheese layers according to the picture; hint: use parchment paper (monte o brownie/cream cheese em camadas como mostra a figura; a dica eh usar papel manteiga no fundo do refratario para nao grudar)
7. Bake in the oven at 350F for 20-25minutes (leve ao forno a 175C por 20-25 minutes)
desserts, brownie, cheese cake, dessert April 17, 2020 23:59
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