Cheesy mashed potato hot dog

4 likes 0 comments Recipe by Lisa Evanoff

Cheesy Mashed Potato Hot Dog of Lisa Evanoff - Recipefy

2 hot dogs
1 potato
1 slice of bacon
1 green onion
shredded cheddar cheese

Prep. Time → 20 min

Cook Time → 30 min

1. Boil the hot dogs, and at the same time in a different pan, boil and mash your potato.
Fry up the piece of bacon, and then cut it or tear it into small bite sized pieces.
Chop up the green onion and put the bacon and the onion into the mashed potatoes and mix them together.
Slice the hot dogs lengthwise and stuff them with the mashed potatoes. Sprinkle an ample amount of shredded cheddar cheese over the top of the mashed potatoes and place these into an oven safe baking pan or cookie sheet.
Place them into the preheated broiler until the cheese is melted and slightly browned and crisped. About 2 minutes. You'll want to watch them close so they don't burn!

main courses November 29, 2011 13:03


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