Chicken/chorizo arabiata

3 likes 0 comments Recipe by Jack Hodgkins

Chicken/Chorizo arabiata of Jack Hodgkins - Recipefy

1 chicken breast, 1 small chorizo cooking sausage, 1 small onion, 1 tin tomatos and 50g of tomato puree and mushrooms(optional)
garlic powder 1 teaspoon
tablespoon of oregano and basil

60g-100g of pasta any type except lasange and cannaloni

Prep. Time → 10-15 minutes min

Cook Time → 10-15minutes min

1. 1.Fill a saucepan halfway with water, put on ring to boil (6 on a electric or big gas symbol).

2. 2.Prepare vegetables, chop onions and mushrooms to desired size.

3. 3.Put one tablespoon of oil in frying pan, heat on medium gas, electric 4-5.

4. 4.Add chicken,chorizo and onions to pan and start to fry until coloured, keep watching so it doesn't burn.

5. 5.Add tomato puree and tin tomatos to pan.

6. 6.Cook for another 5-10 minutes.

7. 7.Add any herbs,seasoning and allow to simmer.

8. 8.Add your 60g-100g of pasta to boiling water for 8-10 minutes.

9. 9.When pasta is cooked, drain it and add to sauce.

10. 10. enjoy your meal!!

main courses November 15, 2011 16:40

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Jack Hodgkins
26 years old
United Kingdom