Choco-nut cookies

2 likes 0 comments Recipe by •°o.O Kimmy O.o°•

Choco-nut cookies of •°o.O Kimmy O.o°• - Recipefy

100 g white sugar
115 g butter, room temp
1 egg
165 g flour
50 g coconut flour
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp baking yeast
100 g chocolate chips / muesli

Prep. Time → 20 min

Cook Time → 12 min

1. Heat oven at 180° and prepare 2 trays by covering with baking paper.

2. Cream butter with sugar in a bowl.

3. Beat egg and add to butter mix.

4. Mix flour, vanilla and yeast in a separate bowl. Add to butter mix in 2 batches.

5. Add chocolate chips / muesli.

6. Use tb spoon to measure dough for 1 cookie; place on prepared trays.

7. When all dough is placed, put into oven and bake for 12 minutes, until slightly brown.

desserts, chocolate, coconut, cookie December 28, 2011 11:53

Author Kim Llorente

Image Https-fbcdn-profile-a-akamaihd-net-hprofile-ak-snc4-49296_1215845091_3064119_n-jpg

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•°o.O Kimmy O.o°•
“Trying to find my way in this world.. baking cakes and muffins, and more!”
38 years old
Genova, Italy