Chocolate chip cookies

4 likes 0 comments Recipe by Bugatti04

chocolate chip cookies of Bugatti04 - Recipefy

120g butter,
50g caster sugar,
110g soft brown sugar,
1 teaspoon vanilla extract,
1 egg,
100g chocolate chips,
160g plain flour,
1\2 teaspoon baking powder

Prep. Time → 15 min

Cook Time → 10 min

1. 1. preheat oven to 185c
2. line 2 baking trays
3. cream the butter and BOTH sugars together
4. add the chocolate chips
5. mix the flour and baking powder into the mixture
6. dust your hands in flour
7. roll mixture into walnut sized balls and space out evenly on tray
8. cook for 10 minutes

desserts, yummy, crunchy September 25, 2012 16:45

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“interested in cooking and cricket”
24 years old
Carlton in Cleveland, United Kingdom