Cobb salad

0 likes 0 comments Recipe by Chloe

2 Eggs
60g (2 oz) Cheddar Cheese
60g (2 oz) Skinless Chicken Breast, Cooked
1 Large Tomato
1 Small Avocado
1 Small Little Gem Lettuce
3 tbsp Mayonnaise
2 tbsp Milk
1/2 tsp Red-Wine Vinegar
1/4 tsp Dijon Mustard
2 to 3 Drops Worcestershire Sauce
Salt and Pepper

Prep. Time → 20 min

Cook Time → 12 min

1. Bring a saucepan of water to the boil. Lower the eggs into the water and simmer for 12 minutes.

2. Transfer the egg to a bowl of iced water(or run cold water over them). When cool, peel off the shells. Cut each egg into 4 lengthways. Dice the cheese and chicken into very small cubes. cut the tomato into 8.

3. Slice the avocado and remove the skin. Then arrange the lettuce, avocado, egg, tomato, chicken and cheese into a bowl.

starters September 21, 2013 12:44

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27 years old
leeds, United Kingdom