Creamy chicken rice

1 likes 0 comments Recipe by Daniel Fryer

Creamy Chicken Rice of Daniel Fryer - Recipefy

Half a cup of basmati rice
1 cup water
1 chicken stock cube
2 handfuls frozen peas
Splash of milk

Leftover cooked chicken (optional)
Grated parmesan / sliced cherry tomatoes (to serve, optional)

Prep. Time → 2 min

Cook Time → 15 min

1. Boil the cup of water in a saucepan.

2. Crumble in a chicken stock cube.

3. Add the half cup of rice into the boiling water.

4. Apply a lid to the rice.

5. After a couple of minutes add the frozen peas and stir.

6. After another minute or so, add a splash of milk and stir again.

7. When it turns creamy add the cooked chicken pieces, test the rice and peas.

8. Serve with a sprinkling of Parmesan or other cheese. You could even add some cherry tomatoes or ham to serve.

main courses November 19, 2011 17:25

Author Daniel Fryer


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Daniel Fryer
United Kingdom