Croissants with jam

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Croissants with jam of Marina Peskova - Recipefy

270 g flour
10 g fresh yeast (or 5 g dry yeast)
200 g heavy milk or cream
1 tsp. sugar

300-400 g flour
50-80 g milk or water
3 Tbsp. olive oil
Pinch of salt
Vanilla (optional)

Plum jam

Prep. Time → 300 min

Cook Time → 30 min

1. Mix and ferment sourdough for 3 hours with 86°F. Then add other products to sourdough and knead the soft dough. Ferment the dough for 2 hours with 80°F, punching it twice.

2. Divide the ripe dough by 3-4 pieces, roll each piece in a circle.

3. Initially divide each circle by 4 parts, then half each part. You may divide as many times as you want, depending on the size of croissants you want.

4. Place jam in every part.

5. Roll every par, shaping it as a croissant. Place all the croissants in an oiled baking paper. Leave it to proof for 86-113°F then lubricate by the egg.

6. Bake in the oven preheat to 392-428°F for 30 minutes or to ruddy crust.

7. Place it in a grill for baking to cool.

desserts, baking, cream, croissant, eggs, flour, jam, milk, salt, vanilla, yeast, sourdough June 04, 2014 14:28

Author Marina Peskova (

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Marina Peskova
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39 years old
Moscow, Russia