Curried potato salad

2 likes 0 comments Recipe by Helena Handbasket

1kg Baby Mediterranean Potatoes
1.5 Cups Mayonnaise
1 Red Onion
3 Tbs Medium Curry Powder
2 Tbs Vegetable Oil
1 Tsp Salt

Prep. Time → 5 min

Cook Time → 15 min

1. Bring a large pot of water to the boil, add the salt and the potatoes. Cook for roughly 10 minutes, until the potatoes are soft but remain slightly firm. [If the potatoes are too soft they will break up excessively when you combine them with the mayonnaise].

2. Dice the onion and fry with the oil on medium heat, until the onions are soft and slightly brown.

3. Add the curry powder to the onion mix and fry for a further 2 minutes until the curry powder is aromatic. Set aside to cool.

4. Combine the onion mix and the mayonnaise together and fold the potatoes in, crushing the potatoes slightly so they burst out of their skins. You can adjust the amount of mayonnaise to your liking, also I suggest a tangy mayonnaise and not a salad cream style.

5. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Can be served either warm or cold.

side dishes, curry, potato September 22, 2011 14:14

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Helena Handbasket
“I am trying to eat low carb, so if the severe lack of carbohydrates in my recipe book confuses you, be confused no more!”
43 years old
Cape Town, South Africa
