Double chocolate cheesecake

1 likes 0 comments Recipe by Samantha Elizabeth Reeves

Double Chocolate Cheesecake of Samantha Elizabeth Reeves - Recipefy

175g digestive biscuits

50g butter , melted

300g cream cheese

200g mascarpone

300g milk chocolate , melted

100g dark chocolate , melted

Prep. Time → 20 min

1. Crush the biscuits and mix with the melted butter. Press the biscuit mixture into the base of a 20cm springform tin. Mix the cream cheese with the mascarpone. Fold the milk chocolate into the cream cheese mix and then stir in the dark chocolate so that it looks streaky.

2. Spoon into the tin, level the top and chill for 2 hours or overnight.

October 23, 2012 08:53


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Samantha Elizabeth Reeves
31 years old
Manchester, United Kingdom