Easiest chicken noodle soup in the world!
Recipe by
1 chicken breast cut into small chunks, or any left over chicken from the night before
3 pints chicken stock
1 onion, roughly chopped
spring onion, finely chopped
1 clove of garlic, finely chopped
2 tbsp veg. oil
thread noodles (or dried spaghetti broken up if you don't have any noodles)
1 green chiili (optional)*
1 egg, beaten (optional)*
*I would normally add one or the other of these
Prep. Time → 5 min
Cook Time → 10 min
1. Add oil to a pan and gently fry onions and garlic (and chilli) until soft.
2. Add chicken. (if you're using leftover chicken, move straight to the next step. If you're using raw chicken, heat until chicken is cooked through.)
3. Add stock and bring to the boil.
4. Add spring onions and noodles and simmer for 5-10 mins. (add beaten egg slowly at this stage, too, if you choose to use it; mixing it in as soon as the egg hits the water)
5. Split into bowls and enjoy.
starters November 09, 2011 01:56
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