Easy fuzzy navel cocktail recipe
Recipe byPour the Peach schnaps into a whiskey glass filled with ice.
Garnish with orange juice.
Stir well.
Cook Time → 10 min
1. Fill a highball glass with ice. This simple cocktail recipe requires only a few steps! The first thing you’ll need is the ice.Most fuzzy navel recipes use a large, lean highball glass by tradition. If you don’t have one, you can use anything from a single cup to a plastic cup. It doesn’t matter.
2. Pour 2 fl. oz. Peach schnapps. Peach Schnapps is a light and sweet liqueur that, as its name suggests, has the flavor of peaches. It can usually be found for cheap in liquor shops and in the aisle of food stores. For reference, most standard liqueur glasses contain about 1 1/2 fl. oz. Some large shot glasses contain 2 fl. oz. with a measuring line to 1 1/2 fl. oz.
3. Fill the rest of the glass with the orange juice. Now, just pour orange juice on the ice until the glass is full. Congratulations! You just made your first fuzzy navel cocktail.
4. Alternatively, shake the ingredients with ice and then pour. Don’t you like ice cream in your drink? If you have a shaker, simply add the ice, schnapps and orange juice and stir to mix well. Pour the liquid into the glass – it will be cold, but you will not feel the ice.
5. If necessary, you can also mix the ingredients in another glass and pour them into a colander to remove the ice.
cocktail, drink February 21, 2020 20:35
Author https://smartsexypaleo.com/fuzzy-nave...
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