Firework fudge

11 likes 3 comments Recipe by Jen Atherton

Firework Fudge of Jen Atherton - Recipefy

400g Dark or Milk Chocolate, broken into pieces
1 cup sweetened condensed milk
60g butter
hundreds and thousands sprinkles

Prep. Time → 10 min

Cook Time → 2 hours refigiration min

1. Put the chocolate, condensed milk and butter into a saucepan over low heat and stir until smooth and glossy.

2. Line a 20cm sqaure tin with aluminium foil and pour the mixture into the tin. Shake hundreds and thousands (the fireworks) over the fudge and refrigirate for 2 hours, or until set.

3. Cut the fudge into small squares to serve or wrap pieces in waxed paper and twist the ends to make a great gift.

desserts, easy, festival food, kids, quick, sweet, cheap, few ingredients, family, fun with kids, gifts November 08, 2011 20:48

Author The Atherton Family

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James Law 13 years ago

Looks simple and tasty ! I must try them

Kathryn Miller 13 years ago

Sounds so easy i'm going to get my son to make them at the weekend.

Kathryn Miller 13 years ago

Very simple to make and taste good too

Jen Atherton
27 years old
United Kingdom