Flapjack biscuits by scott foster

3 likes 2 comments Recipe by Scott Foster

flapjack biscuits by scott foster of Scott Foster - Recipefy

125g oats
50g margarine
2 tablespoon syrup or honey
25g sugar
25 other ingredient if you want to

Prep. Time → 15-20 min

Cook Time → 15 min

1. put margarine, sugar honey and syrup weigh it first then put it into the pan

oven gas mark 5/190c and melt slowly over a low heat

2. stir with a wooden spoon

3. stir in oats and other ingredients

4. grease a baking sheet

5. shape into bars and bake for 15 minutes

6. place on a wire rack until cold

desserts November 12, 2011 14:03

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Bethie boo 13 years ago

I tried this they tasted great but I had trouble getting them into bars

Alisha Budden 13 years ago

Yeah i tried these to and i agree with beth they did not really mold and stick together that well but they did taste good. Not good but great

Scott Foster
United Kingdom