Haggis pasties

2 likes 0 comments Recipe by Robert Vinton

Haggis Pasties of Robert Vinton - Recipefy

6 oz Flour
3 oz Butter

Prep. Time → 5 min

Cook Time → 20 min

1. Preheat oven to 180-200C

2. Mix the flour and butter together add a little water and mix then roll in a ball

3. Split into 3 smaller balls

4. Roll one out slightly bigger then the pastie press

5. Slice haggis and place in pastie doe

6. Brush milk around half the edge of the pastie and press the pastie

7. Cut off excess and open pastie maker slowly

8. Slowly remove the pastier from the pastie maker and place on a baking tray with greaseproof paper on cover up any splits with the excess.

9. Repeat process on the other two balls

10. Brush the top of the pasties with milk and make a small hole then place in oven for ten mins. turn round and leave for another ten mins. check is the pasties are golden brown

11. Notes: I got the haggis at sainsburys it comes in a sausage type shape. Ignore how long it takes to cook the haggis. Make what you want with it

main courses November 22, 2011 15:33

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Robert Vinton
37 years old
Dagenham, United Kingdom