Haloween spider fairy cakes

8 likes 0 comments Recipe by Sarah Elliott

Haloween spider fairy cakes of Sarah Elliott - Recipefy

1 (500g) package chocolate cake mix
500g (1 1/4 lb) black liquorice laces
500g (1 1/4 lb) dark chocolate icing
48 jelly diamonds
48 mini jelly beans

Prep. Time → 1 hour min

Cook Time → 30 min

1. 1.Prepare fairy cakes according to package directions. Let cool completely.

2. 2.Cut liquorice laces into 7cm (3 in) sections. Working with one or two cakes at a time, so the icing doesn't set before decorating, ice the fairy cakes with the chocolate icing. Insert liquorice pieces into the outer edges of the cakes to make the legs of the spider, 3 legs on each side (4 take up too much space). Place two jelly diamonds on the front for fangs and use two mini jelly beans as eyes. Repeat with remaining fairy cakes.

desserts October 23, 2012 08:26

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Sarah Elliott
28 years old
United Kingdom