Hosin chicken wraps

9 likes 3 comments Recipe by Beth Pope

Hosin Chicken Wraps  of Beth Pope  - Recipefy

Tortillia Wraps
Chicken Fillets
Hosin stir in sauce
spring onions

Prep. Time → 15 min

Cook Time → 5-10 min

1. Cut the Chicken Fillets into bit-size peices

2. then put in a pan to cook

3. once the chicken is cooked add the hosin sauce and stir well

4. leave on the heat untill your ready to serve

5. now cut up the spring onions and the cucumber in to strips

6. once finshed put the chicken in a bowl and serve

7. get a tortillia wrap put some cucumber and spring onion in a square shape then add the chicken in the middle know fold up and enjoy

main courses November 09, 2011 20:35

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PPP 13 years ago

This sounds like a different variation duck spring rolls-which i love! You have some fantastic recipes. I am making this for my dinner. Scrummy!

Beth Pope 13 years ago

hope you enjoy xxx

Jordan Nash 13 years ago

Mmmm I can taste it now I just have to cook it :)

Beth Pope
“Heyy guys whooo its summer !!!!! have a great summer enjoy yourselves and keep yourselves well !!!!!”
25 years old
United Kingdom