Jedi jacket potatoes. no seriously,

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Jedi Jacket Potatoes. No seriously,  of Mario De-Cristofano - Recipefy

2 decent jacket potatoes, reasonable size, preferably Marris Piper or King Edgwards. Nothing too waxy, nothing red skinned. Chilli, preferably Jalepeno, or if you like it scorchio, a Habenero or Scoth Bonnet. A garlic clove per potato, Extra virgin Olive Oil, Rock Salt, corsely ground black pepper

Prep. Time → 10 min

Cook Time → 130 min

1. Potatoes are pretty complicated things. Don't get swayed by picking huge potatoes for jacket initiation! The bigger the potato, the higher the likleyhood of the molecules having broken down inside the potato making it go black in parts. Your better picking slightly smaller potatoes, but better quality.

2. You'll need to wash those potatoes, but dont take the skin off. At this point, pre-heat your oven on high, to get that tempreture going.

3. Roll out two sleeves of tin foil enough to wrap up each potato, and on the foil sleeves, drizzle some olive oil, salt & pepper, and at the same time,

4. prick the potatoes (which helps steam to escape & stops them from exploding in the oven), and massage in really good quality Extra virgin olive oil. Season with Salt & pepper and lay in the middle of the foil sleeves.

5. In those sleeves, lay a single chilli & garlic clove, and wrap up loosely, so you have yourself little foil wrapped potatoe goodness.

6. Bang those bad boys in the oven, depending on the size of the potato, & the temprature of your oven, guage the time from anywhere between 1 & 3 hours. You can slide a knife into the potatoe during cooking to guage how ready it is.

7. The chilli & garlic will not only perfume the potato but will roast in their own right, & when you mash the potato, you can mash in both the chilli & the garlic adding immense depth of flavour.

8. Roasted garlic & potatoe are best friends - this is is simply a fact!

9. Serve in their foil (which wont be hot, regardless of how long you've had them in the oven), with some cold cottage cheese, or some beans, and a little butter, & what you have yourself is Jedi level jacket potatoes.

10. MMMmm potatoes cooked well so you will.

main courses November 18, 2011 22:46

Author Mario De'Cristofano

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Mario De-Cristofano
“Keen amateur foodie, Italian, but with a leaning towards Indian, Mexican & home grown produce. I'm also a part time yorkshire pudding maker, CIO & podcaster, web developer & all round good egg!”
44 years old
Midlands, United Kingdom
