Macaroni & cheese (carly's recipe)
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4 tablespoons corn starch
1 1/2 teaspoons salt
1 teaspoon dry mustard
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
5 cups milk
2 tablespoons butter
1 bar extra sharp cheddar cheese (grated)
1-16oz box of macaroni (medium shells)
paprika or breadcrumbs
Cook Time → 25 min

1. 1. cook macaroni in large pot until very firm
2. drain water and add macaroni to 13x9 baking pan
3. grate cheese and set aside
4. preheat over to 375 degrees
2. 5. In a separated 3-quart pot, combine first 4 ingredients (corn starch, salt, dry mustard and pepper)
6. stir in milk
7. add butter
8. store CONSTANTLY over medium hear, scraping up starchy mixture from bottom
9. bring to a boil (it will seem to take forever), then boil for 1 minute
10. remove from heat and stir in cheddar until melted (sauce will thicken)
11. pour sauce over macaroni, stirring al all macaroni is covered
12. sprinkle top with paprika or breadcrumbs (or leave plain)
13. bake uncovered at 375 for 25 min
main courses September 09, 2020 16:43
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