Malteaser bake recipe

11 likes 1 comment Recipe by Dan Davies

Malteaser Bake Recipe  of Dan Davies - Recipefy

100g Butter
200g Milk Chocolate
3 tbsp Goldon Syrup
250g Crushed Digestive Biscuits
225g Malteasers
Extra 100g of Milk or White chocolate as topping

Prep. Time → 0 min

Cook Time → 1 hour min

1. 1.Melt the butter, chocolate and syrup
2.Add the crushed biscuits and maltesers
3.Mix together then pour into a greased baking tin and chill until set.
4.Option: Once set, melt the additional chocolate and pour over the top. Chill until set

desserts November 08, 2011 11:37

Author Gary Irving (

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Alisha Budden 12 years ago

These sound really nice I am so making these

Dan Davies
25 years old
United Kingdom