Orange & beetroot brownies

0 likes 0 comments Recipe by Taya Patel

Orange & Beetroot Brownies of Taya Patel - Recipefy

Brownie mixture
175g (6oz) margarine
350g (12oz) caster sugar
1 teaspoon of vanilla essence
3 eggs
100g (4oz) plain flour
1 level teaspoon of baking powder
75g (3oz) cocoa
175g (6oz) chopped beetroot
1 or 2 orange/lemon zest

Use an oblong tin -
22 x 30 x 2.5cm (9 x 12 x 1in)
Grease the base of the tin then lay a sheet of greaseproof paper or baking parchment on the base of the tin.

Prep. Time → 20-30 min

Cook Time → 40 min

1. 1. Mix the melted margarine (melt it on a low heat),sugar and vanilla essence together in a large mixing bowl.

2. 2. Break the eggs in a seperate bowl and beat them. Afterwards add them to the large bowl, a little at a time. Stir well until everything is mixed in.

3. 3. Sift the flour into the large bowl, add the baking powder and cocoa to the mixture too. Stir everything together so that it is mixed well.

4. 4. Put the orange/lemon zest into the mixture. Then put the beetroot onto a chopping board and cut them into small chunks. Afterwards add them to the mixture too and stir again.

5. 5. Pour the mixture into a cake tin and smooth the top with the back of a spoon. Bake it for 40 minutes.

6. 6. You'll know the brownies are cooked when the brownies have risen and have formed a crust on top. They should also still be soft in the middle.

7. 7. Leave the brownies in the tin for 5 minutes, then cut them into as many squares it will make. Then leave the squares on a wire rack to cool down.

desserts November 09, 2011 17:45

Author Taya Patel

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