Peach cobbler (torta de pessego)
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4 peaches (4 pessegos)
2 cups of sugar (2 xic. de acucar)
1 cup of flour (1 xic. de farinha de trigo)
1 cup of milk (1 xic. de leite)
2 tablespoons of butter (2 colheres de sopa de manteiga)
1 teaspoon of baking powder (1 colher de cha de fermento)
1/2 teaspoon of salt (1/2 colher de cha de sal)
1 teaspoon of lime juice (1 colher de cha de suco de limao)
cinnamon to the taste (canela a gosto)
Prep. Time → 10 min
Cook Time → 45 min
1. Pre-heat oven at 375F (pre-aqueca o forno a 190C)
2. Peel the peaches and cut them in bite size pieces (retire a casca dos pessegos e corte-os em pedacos medios)
3. Bring the peaches with lime juice and 1 cup of sugar to a boil (aqueca os pessegos com limao e 1 xic. de acucar ate ferver)
4. In a separate bowl, mix flour, 1 cup of sugar, salt, baking powder and milk (em uma tigela, misture a farinha de trigo, 1 xic. de acucar, sal, fermento e o leite)
5. In an ovenproof dish, melt the butter and then pour the flour mixture without mixing it (em um refratario que possa ser levado ao forno, derreta a manteiga e depois despeje a mistura de farinha de trigo sem mistura-la com a manteiga que deve ficar ao fundo)
6. Then pour the peaches and sugar mixture, again without mixing it (agora despeje os pessegos caramelizados, sem misturar)
7. Sprinkle cinnamon and bake it for 40-45 minutes (polvilhe com canela e leve ao forno for 40-45 minutos)
desserts, cobbler, peaches August 03, 2020 02:56
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