Rose sangria

1 likes 0 comments Recipe by Forbidden

Rose Sangria of Forbidden - Recipefy

750ml Rose wine
125ml sugar
1 lemon, sliced
1 orange, sliced
250ml strawberries or other berries, whole or cut into pieces
125ml pomegranate seeds
125ml fresh mint, roughly chopped
500ml lemonade
500ml ginger ale
ice cubes to serve

Prep. Time → 10 min

1. Mix the wine and sugar, stirring until sugar has dissolved

2. Add the fruit and mint and chill

3. Add the lemonade and ginger ale just before serving

4. Serve with ice cubes

drinks, berries, drink, lemon, pomegranate, wine, rose, chilled December 09, 2011 14:50

Author You magazine Best Recipes for Summer 2011, nr 95


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“Student, bored, recently discovered love for cooking and baking. Awesome way to attempt procrastination. I'm not good at procrastinating... ”
33 years old
South Africa