Salmon cakes

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Salmon Cakes of Thyago Mota - Recipefy

cebolinha (chives)
cheiro verde (parsley)
sal, pimenta (salt, pepper)
azeite de oliva (olive oil)
1/2 cebola cortada em cubos (1/2 onion cut in small slices)
pimentao cortado em cubos (pepper cut in small slices)
1 xicara farelo de pao (1 cup bread crumbs)
3 colheres de sopa de maionese (3 tablespoons of mayo)
1 cenoura ralada (1 carrot shredded)
2 ovos (2 eggs)
1/2 kg de salmao fresco (1 pound of fresh salmon filet)

Prep. Time → 30 min

Cook Time → 30 min

1. Tempere o salmao com sal e pimenta, coloque-o em um refratario com azeite de oliva e depois cozinhe-o no forno por uns 20-25m a 225C (season the salmon with salt and pepper, place it in a oven dish, add olive oil on top of it, and then cook it for 20-25m at 425f.

2. Refogue a cebola, o pimentao e a cenoura no azeite por uns 7m (saute the onion, pepper, and carrot in a pan with olive oil for about 7m).

3. Em uma tigela funda, desfie o salmao cozido, despeje o refogado de cebola, pimentao, e cenoura, acrescente a cebolinha e o cheiro verde, o farelo de pao, os dois ovos batidos previamente, e a maionese, misture tudo e forme seis bolinhos (in a bowl, shred de salmon, pour the onion/pepper/carrot saute, add chives and parsley, bread crumbs, mayo, and (beaten) eggs; mix well and make six cakes).

4. Frite os bolinhos na manteiga em uma frigideira, mais ou menos 4-5m cada lado ou ate ficar dourado (fry the cakes on butter for about 4-5m or until golden).

main courses, salmon April 05, 2020 19:22

Author Adapted from Natasha's Kitchen

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Thyago Mota
52 years old
Golden, CO, United States