Spagetti bolognaise

4 likes 1 comment Recipe by Jake

spagetti bolognaise of jake - Recipefy

minced beef
tomato purae
black pepper
italian seasoning
oxo cube
clove of garlic
passata sause
water 250g
grated cheese

Prep. Time → 20 min

Cook Time → 10 min

1. 1. chop 1onion into small peices
2. chop 1 clove of garlic
3. add oil to a pan on high heat
4. add the garlic and the onion to pan and stir
5. get the mince and add to the pan
6. add the passata sause and stir till mice is seperated
7. add salt, black pepper and seasoning
8. chop up mushrooms and add to pan and stir in
9. turn to medium heat
10. add a teaspoon of marmite and 1 oxo cube
11. stir for 5 mins and add tomato purae and 250g of water
12. bring water to boil in differnt sausepan
13. add salt and oil in water
14. add spaggetti wait for 10mins
15. serve spaggetti and bolognaise on top
16. add grated cheese on top

main courses November 08, 2011 18:17

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Mechelle Drummond 13 years ago

i adapted this for my slow cooker and it was scrummy.