Spinach quiche

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Spinach Quiche of Thyago Mota - Recipefy

1 Marie Callender's frozen pastry pie shell
5 large eggs
1 Tablespoon of red onion cut in small pieces
1/2 cup of ham cut in small cubes
1/2 cup of spinach
1 + 1/2 cup of your favorite cheeses
1 Tablespoon of sour cream
pinch os salt
pinch of black pepper

Prep. Time → 30 min

Cook Time → 45 min

1. Pre-cook the pie shell following Marie Callender's instructions

2. Beat the eggs in a bowl

3. Add salt and pepper and mix well

4. Cut the spinach leaves with a knife (you can also use a blender for that) and add it to the egg mixture

5. Add shredded cheese to the mixture

6. Pour mixture into the pie shell

7. Distribute the cubes of ham and cheese evenly

8. Cook for 45m at 350F (the center should still be a bit soft at the end, but that's OK as it will harder when it cools off)

9. Enjoy!

side dishes, quiche spinach January 26, 2019 17:29

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Thyago Mota
52 years old
Golden, CO, United States