Thanksgiving turkey

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Thanksgiving Turkey of Ashley - Recipefy

Frozen Turkey

Stuffing (prepped the night before; must be cold)

Vegetable Oil

Garlic Powder


Prep. Time → 10 min

1. Defrost Turkey (approx 1 day per 5 lbs)

2. Prep stuffing the night before (must be cold)

3. Preheat over to 350

4. If turkey is still frozen, run it under hot water for a few minutes

5. Empty cavity (3 items)

6. Stuff stuffing into cavity (both ends- head and tush), push all the way in (pack tight)

7. In a mixing bowl mix vegetable oil, garlic powder and paprika (enough to baste/ pour powder to taste)

8. Pour baste over turkey and spread around to cover entirely

9. Cover with aluminum foil and put in oven
(best to put on a cookie sheet so it's easier to lift out)

10. If stuffed, cook for 20 min per pound (3 lbs per hour).

11. Baste every hour. The final 30 minutes, take off aluminum foil

12. To test if it's ready (thermometer should pop out), poke with a fork and if liquid is clear it ready. You can also cut by the shoulder/wing to see if it's still pink inside (if so, its not ready yet-- then cook for another 30 min at a time)

main courses November 23, 2022 13:40

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