Tiramisu of Martina Jakovcevska - Recipefy

400g mascarpone cheese
4 eggs
100g powdered sugar
250ml strong espresso coffee
2 SL cognac, Amariei or rum (optional)
2 SL Cocoa

1. Beat whites of eggs with sugar.
Add the mascarpone in them and stir the mixture.
In another bowl material to whites, while not making foam. Then add them into the mascarpone mixture.
The espresso add the rum. In this fluid Makay pishkotite them, one by one. Do not be too wet, because it will decompose.
Arrange in pan a row pishkoti. Place them on the mascarpone mixture. Then re-arrange pishkoti and turn the mixture. Optionally you can arrange another row pishkoti but mandatory top layer should be a mixture.
Deck top this sweet dessert with cocoa powder.
Place in refrigerator. It is best to stand in the refrigerator a day before consumption.

February 28, 2012 14:50

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I'll surely try this recipe!

Martina Jakovcevska 13 years ago

its perfect

Martina Jakovcevska
24 years old
United States