Vodka & lemon sorbet

7 likes 0 comments Recipe by Jay Dowd

Vodka & Lemon Sorbet of Jay Dowd - Recipefy

•1/2 cup vodka
•1 1/2 cup sugar
•3 cups water
•grated lemon zest
•3 1/2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice

Prep. Time → 10 min

Cook Time → 20 min

1. •1/2 cup vodka
•1 1/2 cup sugar
•3 cups water
•grated lemon zest
•3 1/2 Tbsp freshly squeezed lemon juice
1.In a medium saucepan over medium heat, combine sugar and water until the sugar dissolves.
2.Add the lemon zest; stir until mixture comes to a boil; reduce heat to low and simmer 5 minutes.
3.Place a fine strainer over a large bowl and pour syrup mixture through (straining out any zest).
4.Add lemon juice and vodka to the strained syrup mixture; stir until thoroughly blended.
Ice Cream Maker Method:
Transfer mixture to ice cream maker, process according to manufacturer’s instructions.

2. Freezer Method:
Pour into a container, cover and place mixture in the freezer. When it is semi-solid, mash it up with a fork and refreeze again. When frozen place in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. Cover and refreeze until ready to serve.

drinks October 23, 2012 09:00

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Jay Dowd
28 years old
Leigh, United Kingdom