Beetroot masala

2 me gustan 0 comentarios Receta por Rana Chakrabarti

Boiled beetroot : 1
Boiled potato : 1
Slitted green chilli : 4
Crushed garlic : 6 pods
Salt : 1 and half teaspoons
Red chilli powder : 1 and half teaspoon
Oil : 1 and half teaspoon
Tomato sauce : 1 and half teaspoons

T. Cocinado → 15 min

1. Cut the beetroot and potato in thin slices of 1 1/2 inches.

2. In oil put garlic, green chili and tomato sauce.

3. Now add beetroot and potato, salt, chill powder and two teaspoons of water.

4. Stir for a while

5. Serve with fresh coriander.

guarniciones, bengali June 05, 2011 13:50

Autor Mira Chakrabarti

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Rana Chakrabarti
“dilettante chef. looking for a teacher who can explain why, not just how. Favourites ------------ cusines : italian and bengali. aromatic : star anise, ginger garlic paste, bruised ginger cheese : emmenthal stimulant : freshly ground coffee, with”
Bangalore, India