Blackberry almond milk smoothie

1 me gustan 0 comentarios Receta por Samantha Roach

Blackberry Almond Milk Smoothie de Samantha Roach - Recipefy

-2 cups blackberries (fresh or frozen)
-1 cup almond milk
-1 cup Greek yogurt

T. Preparacion → 2 min

T. Cocinado → 2 min

1. For this recipe, I happened to have a TON of fresh picked blackberries, but frozen blackberries work just as well, especially if you prefer a colder drink. Smoothies are basically just mixing together all of your ingredients, and since blackberries can be very tart, add more sweeteners if you prefer! Top with cinnamon and honey and you've got a delicious, guilt free smoothie!

bebidas, blackberry, cinnamon, greek yogurt, healthy, honey, smoothie, almond milk August 27, 2015 16:38


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Samantha Roach
29 años
Crystal City , United States