Broccoli de Jack Bishop - Recipefy

Broccoli, lemon, roasted pine nuts and Parmesan cheese.

T. Preparacion → 5 min

T. Cocinado → 20-25 min

1. Cut the broccoli into large florets.

2. Place the broccoli onto a baking tray.

3. Toss with olive oil, salt and pepper.

4. Add 4 peeled and sliced garlic cloves.

5. Cook for 20-25 min at 220C until a few florets are lightly browned.

6. You may want to move them around a bit halfway through.

7. zest and juice a lemon over the broccol

8. Add some more olive oil, a few toasted pine nuts, and a handful of freshly grated Parmesan cheese.

guarniciones November 03, 2011 22:12

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Jack Bishop
33 años
United Kingdom