Carrieanne's swirlberry muffins

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Carrieanne's Swirlberry Muffins de Carrieanne Davies - Recipefy

T. Preparacion → 10 min

T. Cocinado → 20 min

1. Step 1. Cream 110g of butter and 65g of caster sugar in a medium sized mixing bowl , using a wooden spoon. Make sure the mixture is smooth before proceeding

2. Step 2. Next make a small sized hole in the middle of the mixture, and add 2 free range eggs. Make sure you remove any traces of egg shell you may have left!

3. Step 3. Slowly stir the mixture for 3 minutes until the ingredients are combined together.

4. Step 4. Stir in 110g of plain flour, a pinch of nutmeg, and 1-and-a-half tbsp of baking powder. Place the mixture in the fridge when you've finished.

5. Step 5. Ideally you need to leave the mixture overnight, or for at least one hour. When you're ready, remove the mixture, give it another thourough stir, and place 1 spoonful in each case!

6. Step 6. Place the cases onto a baking tray and add plenty of blueberries on top.

7. Step 7. Bake in an oven set to 200c for 20 minutes, or until they're golden brown on top.

8. Step 8. Poor your cream into a small bowl, and add a few drops of red food colouring and stir.

9. Step 9. Dollop 1 tsp on each little cake and leave them to cool for approximately 10 minutes maximum

10. Step 10. Enjoy your cupcakes, don't forget to lick all the cream off first!

postres November 08, 2011 21:06

A nadie le ha gustado esta receta.

Carrieanne Davies hace 13 años

They are yummy seriously!

Carrieanne Davies
23 años
Somewhere Over The Rainbow, United Kingdom