Cherry and lemon cheesecake layer.

2 me gustan 0 comentarios Receta por David Le Mottee

Cherry and Lemon Cheesecake Layer. de David Le Mottee - Recipefy

400g can of black cherry fruit filling.
4 meringue shells, roughly crushed.
2x 175g pots mullerlight lemon cheesecake yogurt.

T. Preparacion → 10 min min

1. Chill 4 larg dessert bowl or glasses in the fridge for 3-4 hours.

2. Fill the glasses or bowls with alternare layers
of the black cherry fruit filling, meringue pieces
and yogurt.
Finish with a final topping of black cherry
and serve immediately.

postres November 18, 2011 11:23

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David Le Mottee
67 años
Jersey c. i., United Kingdom