Chocolate balls

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Chocolate balls  de Liz Zvingler - Recipefy

500 grams petit beurre (broken into crumbs)
1 cup sugar
100 grams butter
1/2 cup cacao (i used isreali shokolit)
1/2 cup water
tablespoon cognac (only if wanted)
2 tablespoons vanilla extract
for topping: pack of shredded coconut, sprinkles, cacao...etc

T. Preparacion → 15 min

1. in a pot simmer the sugar water and cacao, until completely devolved. remove from the stove and add the butter. mix until butter is melted and you have a shinny silky mixture.
poor cookie crumbs into a big bowl and add the chocolate mixture. (if mixture is a bit dry add a little more water). mix well then you are ready to form into balls. after forming into balls you can spread some sprinkles (or any topping) onto a plate, then just roll the ball lightly on the sprinkles. chill at least 1/2 an hour before eating. Enjoy!!!!

postres August 02, 2011 17:46

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Liz Zvingler
41 años
Tarzana, United States