Delicious layered dessert

2 me gustan 1 comentario Receta por Molly Teague

Delicious Layered Dessert de Molly Teague - Recipefy

Mixing bowl,
whisk (hand whisk or electric),
4 serving cups,
5 digestive biscuits,
Double cream,
and strawberries.

T. Preparacion → 15 min

1. First put the biscuits in a plastic food bag and crush them by whacking them with a rolling pin and put them at the bottom of your serving cups. (leave a little bit of biscuit for decoration later)

2. Then slice the strawberries and lay them neatly on top of the biscuit base.

3. Pour the custard on top of the strawberries, make sure you still leave a bit of room for the whipped cream!

4. Pour the double cream into a mixing bowl and whisk it until it goes thick and turns into whipped cream. Spoon that onto the custard and flatten it a little bit with a spatula/spoon.

5. Use the left over biscuit and sprinkle it on top of your dessert.

6. Now enjoy! Easy and Simple but absolutely delish!!!

postres November 12, 2011 19:44

Autor Molly Teague

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Jessica Balsdon hace 13 años

cool! mmmm...

Molly Teague
24 años
United Kingdom