Double chocolate brownies!

17 me gustan 3 comentarios Receta por James Law

Double Chocolate Brownies! de James Law - Recipefy

2oz of dark chocolate
6oz of milk chocolate
3 ¼ oz of butter
12oz of sugar
2 tsp of vanilla extract
4 large eggs
3 ¾ oz of flour
1 tsp of salt
Chocolate chips


Icing sugar

T. Cocinado → 25 - 30 min

1. Preheat oven 175 degrees c

2. Melt chocolate and butter

3. Stir until smooth and leave to cool

4. Add sugar, stir

5. Add vanilla extract, stir

6. Add eggs, stir

7. Add salt and flour, stir well

8. Stir in chocolate chips

9. Cook for 25 - 30 mins

10. Leave to cool

11. Cover in icing sugar ( If appropriate)

12. Eat!

postres, brownies, chip, chocolate, dessert, sweet November 08, 2011 17:17

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Emily Bussell hace 13 años

they look amazing, i am defiantly going to make them!!! :)

James Law hace 13 años


Buffy Chester hace 12 años

Can I share this recipe?

James Law
“I'm a 11 year old boy who enjoys cooking and is taking food tec lessons. My speciality is anything containing sugar. ”
24 años
Cambridge, United Kingdom