Pizza with chocolate cream and bananas

2 me gustan 2 comentarios Receta por Martina Jakovcevska

Pizza with chocolate cream and bananas de Martina Jakovcevska - Recipefy

1. Brush the bottom of round baking pan with little oil for cooking, place the dough for pizza and leave it to Peci about 3-4 minutes at 220 ° C, or until they begin to porumenuva. The various tests need different time for baking, so you should observe.
Once out of the oven until the pastry is hot, brush it with a spoon with chocolate cream. We employed 3 tablespoons cream, but you can put as much cream as you want.
Chop the banana into thin rounds, and nuts into small pieces. Arrange bananas and porosete January pizza with sliced ​​nuts. Servirajte immediately.

February 28, 2012 14:45

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Hristijan Kiko Acoski hace 12 años

Hahahah MARTE


interesting pizza mmmmmmmmmmm.....

Martina Jakovcevska
24 años
United States