Shortbread biscuits

3 me gustan 1 comentario Receta por Cannii Haycock

Shortbread Biscuits de Cannii Haycock - Recipefy

500g butter, softened
200g caster sugar
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
500g plain flour

T. Preparacion → 15 min

T. Cocinado → 12 min

1. 1.Preheat oven to 180 C / Gas mark 4.
2.Cream butter and sugar until fluffy. Stir in vanilla; add flour and mix well.
3.Put through biscuit press and form biscuits onto baking trays. Alternatively, roll out to 1cm thickness and cut out desired shaped with biscuit cutters. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes.

postres October 23, 2012 08:37


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KieranWeightman hace 12 años

Just making this now ! Hope it tastes good!

Cannii Haycock
30 años
Manchester, United Kingdom