Slimming world chips

1 me gustan 2 comentarios Receta por Lou Turner

2lb medium sized Maris Piper potatoes
Fry Light spray
crushed sea salt and malt vinegar

T. Preparacion → 10 min

T. Cocinado → 40 min

1. Preheat the oven to 240°C/Gas 9. Peel the potatoes using a potato peeler and remove any blemishes or 'eyes'. Slice lengthwise into approx ½in/1cm thick rectangular chips.

2. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil. Add the chips and cook for 4 minutes. Drain and leave aside for 10 minutes to dry.

3. Return the chips to the dry saucepan, cover with a lid and shake to ''rough up'' the edges of the chips - this roughness is important to the texture of the chips.

4. Spray a metal baking tray with Fry Light. Transfer the chips to the tray, spray lightly with Fry Light and bake in the oven for 20-25 minutes, turning occasionally, until golden brown on all sides. Drain them on absorbent kitchen paper and serve with salt and vinegar.

guarniciones November 09, 2011 23:31

Kathryn and Thomas Joyce hace 13 años

This is a must for any slimming world dieters!!! I searched for slimming world, and sadly only this came up - will have to add some more!

Lou Turner hace 13 años

Free on ee green and red.

Lou Turner
“Mummy and wife who likes to bake!”
40 años
Poole Dorset, United Kingdom