Southern fried chicken

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Southern fried chicken de 'Connor Rawlinson - Recipefy

8 skinless chicken thighs
8 skinless chicken drumsticks
200ml milk
200g self-raising flour
large pinch each paprika , turmeric and cayenne pepper
6-8 tbsp groundnut oil
mustard slaw and paprika wedges, to serve (see recipes below)

T. Preparacion → 10 min

T. Cocinado → 40 min

1. Heat oven to 200C/180C fan/gas 6. Put the chicken in a bowl and pour over the milk. Tip the flour and spices into a large plastic bag and add a large pinch of salt and a good grinding of pepper.

2. Heat half the oil in a large frying pan. Take half of the chicken out of the milk, shake off any excess and put in the bag of seasoned flour. Hold the top closed and shake well. Lift the pieces out and shake off any excess, but don't do this too hard or you'll end up with no coating. Lower the pieces into the oil and fry on each side until golden and crisp - don't overdo it as the chicken is being baked next and will brown further. Use tongs to turn the chicken and try not to tear the coating. Transfer to a rack set in a roasting tin. Repeat with the rest of the chicken.

3. Bake for 30 mins until cooked - check one drumstick and one thigh with a skewer - cook for longer if you need to.

primeros October 24, 2012 08:58


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'Connor Rawlinson
United Kingdom