Victoria sandwich cake

1 me gustan 3 comentarios Receta por KieranWeightman

Victoria Sandwich Cake de KieranWeightman - Recipefy

150g flour, 150g margarine, 150g sugar, 3 eggs and 2-4 tablespoons of jame

T. Preparacion → 20 min

T. Cocinado → 20-25 min

1. 1. Turn on oven - Gas mark 4, Elec 180c

2. 2.Prepare the cake tins

3. 3. Place margarine and sugar in large mixing bowl

4. 4. Sieve flour on a plate

5. 5. Crack eggs in small basin and beat lightly with a fork

6. 6. Using a wooden spoon beat the margarine and sugar until almost white, very soft and fluffy

7. 7. Stir in one large spoon of flour. Now add half the egg and beat well

8. 8. Next fold in half the flour, beat in the remanding egg and fold in the remaining egg.

9. 9. Divide mixture between the two tins.

10. 10. Place in oven until golden brown and springy to touch.

postres September 22, 2012 18:14

Autor School cook book

Ciolabella hace 13 años

Nice to join you. Ciao

Bugatti04 hace 12 años

if you put whipped cream in the middle it is even nicer

KieranWeightman hace 12 años

Nice idea! I'll have to try that. :)

34 años
United Kingdom