Bacon pasta

10 piace 0 commenti Ricetta di Andy Banton

4-6 Rashers of Bacon, 1 Medium Onion, 280g TriColor Pasta, Half Red Pepper, Half Green Pepper, Olive Oil, Handful of Grated Mature Cheddar, Chilli Powder, 2 x 400g Tins of good quality chopped tomatoes.

Preparazione → 5-10 min

Cottura → 15 min

1. Add a little Olive Oil to a deep sided frying pan or Wok, and cut the bacon rashers into 2cm square(approx) pieces into the pan and start to fry on low heat, meanwhile finely chop the onion and medium chop the peppers and then add to the bacon and coo until bacon slightly browned and peppers and onion is soft.
Start to Boil another pan of water and add the Pasta.
Add the 2 tins of chopped tomatoes to the bacon mixture and stir in and simmer for 5 mins. Add a half teaspoon of hot chilli powder and the good sized handful of grated cheese and stir in. after another 2-4 mins of simmering the pasta should be cooked. Drain this and then add to the simmering mixture and fully stir together.
Tip. If you haven't added enough chilli to give a little kick, add tobasco to suit indivdual servings.

secondi November 07, 2011 21:15

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Andy Banton
57 anni
United Kingdom