Cherry cordial (non alcaholic)

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Cherry cordial (NON ALCAHOLIC) di Alisha Budden - Recipefy

2 boxes of cherries

Preparazione → 15 min

Cottura → 5-10 + 20 minutes in fridge min

1. Wash all of the cherries

2. Cut all of them in half

3. Put in a saucepan and add water until it is 1/4 of the way up in the saucepan

4. Stir until it has all disappeard

5. Pour into a bottle and put in the fridge for about 20 minutes.

bevande November 09, 2011 21:36

Https-fbcdn-profile-a-akamaihd-net-hprofile-ak-snc4-275003_100001278577577_1327779278_n-jpg Https-fbcdn-profile-a-akamaihd-net-hprofile-ak-snc4-275003_100001278577577_1327779278_n-jpg No-user

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Alisha Budden
“Hello, i really like to cook i am very young but it does not matter!”
25 anni
United Kingdom