Chicken bonnie prince charlie

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4 chicken breasts, skinned and boned
2 or 3 tablespoons of Drambuie
8 tablespoons (4 fluid ounces or 125ml or US half cup) chicken stock
8 fluid ounces (250ml or one US cup) double cream (whipping cream)
3 ounces (125g or ¾ stick) butter
1 ounce (25 g) flaked almonds
4 apples
A little flour, salt and pepper

Preparazione → 10 min

Cottura → 15 min

1. Flour and season the chicken breasts and fry in hot butter in both sides. When they are well browned, sprinkle with Drambuie, add the chicken stock, cover and simmer for ten minutes.

2. While the chicken is cooking, peel and core the apples. Cut them into thick slices and cook gently in butter until fairly soft - do not stir to avoid mashing. Remove the chicken to a serving dish, when ready, and keep warm in the oven.

3. Make the sauce by adding more Drambuie, if required, to the stock left in the pan and gently stir in the cream. Heat but do not boil. Add the roasted flaked almonds. Cover the chicken with this sauce and garnish with the sliced apple.

secondi, chicken February 05, 2012 20:44


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42 anni
New Brighton, United States