Coffee mug deserts
Ricetta di1 box Devil’s Food cake mix + ingredients needed to make the cake according to package instructions
1 cup strong coffee, cooled
ice cream (recommend coffee or cream cheese with brownie)
Choice of white spray icing (recommended vanilla or cream cheese)
coco powder
Preparazione → See box min
Cottura → See box min
1. Before mixing cake batter, replace one cup of the water called for in the cake mix instructions with the coffee.
2. Mix the cake batter according to package instructions. Pour batter into a cupcake pan and bake as directed; allow to cool.
3. Place desired amount of ice cream at the bottom of the mug. Place cupcakes over ice cream. Spray desired amount of icing.
4. Sprinkle desired amount of cocoa powder t complete the look.
dolci, cupcakes, coffee, hot, cold, ice cream, icing September 15, 2011 12:56
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