How to make an epic psychedelic rainbow cake
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For the cake
1x cake mix box (If you are lazy like me) OR DIY a cake
Food colouring (as many colours as you want, gel food colouring works best for bright colours, liquid food colouring for pastel colours)
For the icing (makes 3.5 cups)
NOTE: This makes icing without icing sugar, but feel free to make a standard icing with icing sugar!
1 cup milk
2 tbsp. all purpose flour
1 cup butter (softened)
1 cup sugar (I used caster sugar)
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Preparazione → 120 min
Cottura → 25 min
1. Part 1: Making the cake!
2. Prepare cake batter according to directions on box (or if you are following a recipe)
3. Divide cake batter into as many colours as you want, making sure that you put more batter into the lower colours. I.e. if red is on the bottom of the cake, make sure you put more batter into the red food colouring bowl than the rest, decreasing the amount of batter you pour into bowls as you go. The last colour should have the least amount of batter.
4. Add the desired amount of food colouring to the appropriate bowl. Mix well.
5. In a round cake tin, line with baking paper or grease with butter or cooking spray.
6. Start with the colour you'd like on the outside of the cake (i.e. it will end up being pushed out to the far edges of the tin rather than in the middle). Pour all of the batter into the very middle of the tin SLOWLY. You can spread this layer out manually if you like, but it's not necessary. (If making two smaller cakes, just halve the batter)
7. Add the next colour, pouring directly into the middle of the previous one. The second colour will push the first further out to the edges of the tin. However, avoid spreading this layer or any subsequent layers manually as you may risk mixing the colours together. Just let gravity do the work!
8. Repeat for all other colours. At the end, you should end up with a bulls-eye effect of multiple colours, with the very last colour in the centre.
9. Bake the cake according to direction. Allow to cool completely before icing.
10. Part 2: The icing!
11. To make icing from scratch without icing sugar, begin by pouring the milk into a saucepan/pot and add the flour. Bring to a boil, whisking constantly to avoid getting lumps on the bottom. It's okay if there are lumps at the end, these will be blended later.
12. Once the flour and milk have thickened, remove them from the boil and allow to cool completely. To speed up the process, you can pour the flour/milk into a tray and spread it out.
13. While the flour/milk is cooling, prepare the sugar by putting small amounts of it into a food processor and grinding for several minutes. Use a pulsing action, and allow the food processor to cool down between batches. Repeat until all the sugar has been grinded into a fine powder (close to icing sugar consistency).
14. When the flour/milk is completely cool, add it to a mixing bowl and mix in the sugar, butter and vanilla extract. With an electric mixer, beat the mixture until it is light and fluffy.
15. Part 2: Assembling the cake!
16. Divide the icing into four bowls (or however many colours you want to make) and add food colouring as desired. For pastel coloured icing, add 1-2 drops of liquid food colouring.
17. On a large piece of cling wrap, spoon each bowl of icing into a long roll, placing the colours next to each other and close together. Then take one side of the cling wrap and roll it over the top of the icing so that all the colours are pressed firmly together. You should end up with a large roll of icing with every colour visible (like a tube of coloured toothpaste).
18. Tie off the ends of the cling wrap icing roll and insert it into a piping bag with the appropriate nozzle.
19. Commence icing the cake in any way you like! You are done
20. Om nom nom
September 06, 2017 03:30
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